First two weeks of Public Humanities Fellowship


Completing my first two weeks on my Public Humanities Fellowship, I am a happy camper.  What about it?  Let me be concise since I am in the middle dissertating but do not want to forget some good memories. Continue reading First two weeks of Public Humanities Fellowship

An alternative way viewing ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


Just because of the amount of water used for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, I have been wondering about how people might think differently.  Then I did some simple search that led me to this article in the Huffington Post: “How Is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Hurting YOU?? (Hint: It’s Not, So Stop Complaining).” And then I found the author claims that she has an answer to her selected complains from the public.

“People are wasting water.” No, it’s not wasted when it’s used as a catalyst in something so positive. When you can bring hope and help, nothing is wasted.

I still think that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a good way for building our community and increasing people awareness for a good cause.  What I have been wondering is if these people taking the challenge are thoughtful enough about others who have been suffering due to limited clean or just enough water to support their life needs.

Continue reading An alternative way viewing ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Robert Pierce and South Madison friends honored by UW-Madison Chancellor


by: Alex Schwartz and Dadit Hidayat

On Tuesday June 3rd 2014 there was a big celebration for friends of South Madison at the Olin House, the UW-Madison Chancellor’s residence. Robert Pierce was honored with the 2014 LaMarr Billups Community-University Engagement Award by the UW-Madison Chancellor, Becky Blank. His exceptional collaboration with the university for over 15 years is unparalleled.

The LaMarr Billups award is a prestigious one for individuals who have demonstrated outstanding contributions to campus-community partnerships. LaMarr Billups was a much respected community leader at UW-Madison, and was deeply committed to key civic institutions and social causes. He served as a special assistant to two UW-Madison chancellors and was the director of community relations from 1996 to 2007. Continue reading Robert Pierce and South Madison friends honored by UW-Madison Chancellor