Category Archives: Ideas

Being honest in partnership


Waiting for my food order at the Union South, here it is a reflection.

Being honest and being clear is one of the hardest thing on a partnership in general. Let me just frame this in two specific examples.

1. Students asked for taking a phone call during class and leaving early from class. The first thing I consider was that their courage to communicate that request, not the actual request. I don’t see their participation become less meaningful because of the amount of time they are engaged in class. But I see them as an adult who is trying to make a good decision by considering a few aspects going on. It is their honesty to make that request that I value high. Me trusting them to make any decisions means us together build a partnership to the next level.

2. I sent an email today to encourage a board of directors where I am currently serving to consider my resignation. As much as I am passionate about working with a grassroots organizatin, I have to be honest that I do not feel right when my important values are not being embraced. I have to be clear what my values are, so that I can ask them, other board members, for the same honesty about whether my values are something they value. Partnership is not about sitting together in a room and chatting about stuff. Partnership is about acting on something that mutually valued.

Now I am having my lunch ;).

Thanks for reading.

The connection between climate change and sustainability


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I thought I would share this, maybe helpful to some of you.  What I need to spend more is how adaptation and mitigation can be clearly defined.   It is absolutely right that IPCC says “Both impacts and emissions, for example, are linked in complex ways to underlying socio-economic and technological development paths.”  But I think it is for that reason that adaptation is not necessarily limited to reducing the impacts of climate stresses on humans and natural system, while mitigation is about reducing green house gas emissions.

Steve Jobs


Just recently finished reading this book.  He was absolutely an unusually amazing person.  He truly tried hard to represent the rebellious group, and he was successful.  Someone I know said “capitalist is capitalist.”  But I would argue that he has some important values other than being a member of a capitalist group.  Some values that should inspire us in making real impacts to their community.

Continue reading Steve Jobs

Mempertentangkan Pancasila dan Globalisasi?


Tanggal 13 Juli yang lalu telah ditayangkan oleh SCTV rekaman forum Generasi 21, sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Amerika Serikat (AS) di Washington DC bekerja sama dengan Modernisator.  Bagi yang tidak sempat menyaksikan acara ini, rekaman acara ini bisa disaksikan online melalui situs liputan6 SCTV–total durasi tayang kira-kira 45 menit dan terbagi ke dalam 3 segmen video klip yang tersambung secara otomatis dari satu klip dengan lainnya.  Beberapa klip tambahan dari acara Generasi 21 ini juga bisa ditemui di channel Youtube KBRI Washington DC.  Artikel terkait dengan acara ini juga bisa dibaca di The Jakarta PostKBRI Washington DC, dan Modernisator.

Continue reading Mempertentangkan Pancasila dan Globalisasi?

Parahyangan Passenger Rail and Cipularang Toll Road: how this will critically disrupt Indonesia from the goal of reducing 26% carbon emission



Many have learned that Cipularang Toll Road was largely considered as the reason behind the discontinuation of Parahyangan passenger rail service.  But limited discussion found on how this could be a key to what is potentially be a government failure in achieving the 26% carbon emission reduction by 2020.

Continue reading Parahyangan Passenger Rail and Cipularang Toll Road: how this will critically disrupt Indonesia from the goal of reducing 26% carbon emission