All posts by dityat

Happy 8th Birthday Fasha


Fasha definitely had a blast in his small birthday party in Wilderness Wisconsin Dells.  He invited Min-Sung and Yoav.  Coincidentally, Min-Sung and Yoav shared many similarities.  Min-Sung was our neighbor right above us when we were in the #506 building, while Yoav was in #907 building also right above us.  And of course they go to the same school and play in the same soccer club.

Happy birthday Fasha! And thank you Min-Sung and Yoav for coming to celebrate Fasha’s birthday.


Mempertentangkan Pancasila dan Globalisasi?


Tanggal 13 Juli yang lalu telah ditayangkan oleh SCTV rekaman forum Generasi 21, sebuah acara yang diselenggarakan oleh Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) di Amerika Serikat (AS) di Washington DC bekerja sama dengan Modernisator.  Bagi yang tidak sempat menyaksikan acara ini, rekaman acara ini bisa disaksikan online melalui situs liputan6 SCTV–total durasi tayang kira-kira 45 menit dan terbagi ke dalam 3 segmen video klip yang tersambung secara otomatis dari satu klip dengan lainnya.  Beberapa klip tambahan dari acara Generasi 21 ini juga bisa ditemui di channel Youtube KBRI Washington DC.  Artikel terkait dengan acara ini juga bisa dibaca di The Jakarta PostKBRI Washington DC, dan Modernisator.

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Interdisciplinarity skill: accepting is not [always] the same as agreeing


an image that says accepting is the first step in changing

I am becoming more and more interested in an interdisciplinary way of looking at our problems. Yet, I find myself making a basic mistake an interdisciplinary researcher should not make.

Among the greatest challenge as an interdisciplinary researcher is how to “accept” ideas coming from friends, colleagues, or even someone who has continuously been on the other side of you.

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A successful community-based research class


A little over a year ago, I learned that our proposal for a capstone class to the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies got accepted.  I literally jumped off my chair when reading the email from the selection comittee; I was so happy.  Supported by the Nelson Institute’s Community Environmental Scholars program, Charlotte Zieve, and the Morgridge Center for Public Service, the class had been finalized by holding a public event last week as our final meeting.  It was indeed a successful class.  We had a group of twelve highly motivated undergraduate students, and had the support of fourteen dedicated The Natural Step Monona volunteers.  I both thanked and congratulated them for this.  The following link will bring you to a news coverage by the Herald Independent about the event.

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Parahyangan Passenger Rail and Cipularang Toll Road: how this will critically disrupt Indonesia from the goal of reducing 26% carbon emission



Many have learned that Cipularang Toll Road was largely considered as the reason behind the discontinuation of Parahyangan passenger rail service.  But limited discussion found on how this could be a key to what is potentially be a government failure in achieving the 26% carbon emission reduction by 2020.

Continue reading Parahyangan Passenger Rail and Cipularang Toll Road: how this will critically disrupt Indonesia from the goal of reducing 26% carbon emission