All posts by dityat

Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Environmental Studies Service Learning


banner websiteI would like to thank Kelcie Kempenich on her candid observation on the Nelson Institute‘s capstone service learning program.  Her journalistic project Connecting Through Capstones helps communicate the values that we are trying to embrace from our community-university partnership.

Just a quick disclaimer though 🙂 since I am really hoping that I do not offend scientists in my comments captured in this project (nothing in here is anyone’s fault but mine that I might  not clearly articulate  my message).  I got nervous when I heard my recorded interview I might say stupid stuff. Continue reading Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Environmental Studies Service Learning

Being honest in partnership


Waiting for my food order at the Union South, here it is a reflection.

Being honest and being clear is one of the hardest thing on a partnership in general. Let me just frame this in two specific examples.

1. Students asked for taking a phone call during class and leaving early from class. The first thing I consider was that their courage to communicate that request, not the actual request. I don’t see their participation become less meaningful because of the amount of time they are engaged in class. But I see them as an adult who is trying to make a good decision by considering a few aspects going on. It is their honesty to make that request that I value high. Me trusting them to make any decisions means us together build a partnership to the next level.

2. I sent an email today to encourage a board of directors where I am currently serving to consider my resignation. As much as I am passionate about working with a grassroots organizatin, I have to be honest that I do not feel right when my important values are not being embraced. I have to be clear what my values are, so that I can ask them, other board members, for the same honesty about whether my values are something they value. Partnership is not about sitting together in a room and chatting about stuff. Partnership is about acting on something that mutually valued.

Now I am having my lunch ;).

Thanks for reading.

South Madison Farmers’ Market Looking for Local Supports


by Jasmine Badreddine and Wally Graeber

The South Madison Farmers’ Market (SMFM) has been in the area for more than a decade. Despite the strong intention to provide safe, affordable, healthy food to the South Madison community, why does the market struggle to attract both vendors and customers?

That is the question that Robert Pierce and Shellie Pierce asked a team of undergraduate students from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to answer. Robert and Shellie, a motivated father-daughter pair, are two key organizers of the market. They collaborated with eight students from the UW-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies to conduct a research project this past fall semester to address the question.

Continue reading South Madison Farmers’ Market Looking for Local Supports

Familiarizing with the Twenty Fourteen Theme


The previous theme crashed!  I soon changed to the most recent theme that the WordPress released.  But, as you probably notice, I have not made any customization in it.  I am not sure if I have the time anytime soon.  So please be patient for those of you who may be uncomfortable with my slow process.  THANKS! 🙂